What external uploading does StrategyBlocks support?

By |2022-11-14T12:08:43+13:00October 28th, 2016||

StrategyBlocks supports the upload of information to support the execution of any block (key result area), metric (key performance indicator) and risk contained in the strategic plan.  This includes: External Links (URL’s) Upload of files - images, documents, files etc Attachment of Google Drive files - including search etc

How do the different block rollup types work?

By |2018-11-27T10:50:52+13:00October 28th, 2016||

Let’s see this example. The orange line is the target which rolls up the same as the progress %, so we can use that for these examples. The blocks below all start Oct 1. ROLLUP PARENT ends Dec 31. CHILD A ends Oct 31. CHILD B end Nov 30. This is the progress chart view [...]

On the flat CSV report, how do you calculate the quarter periods and what is the fiscal year format?

By |2022-11-02T10:55:07+13:00October 28th, 2016||

You can check the Fiscal Year details under the Company Settings Pages. The Quarter Periods are calculated in regards to how the Company Fiscal Year has been set-up. So if the Fiscal Year is 1 JAN the quarters are calculated in the following way; Q1: 01/01/YYYY...03/31/YYYY Q2: 04/01/YYYY...06/30/YYYY Q3: 07/01/YYYY...09/30/YYYY Q4: 10/01/YYYY...12/31/YYYY  

Which browsers can I use?

By |2022-11-14T12:08:05+13:00October 28th, 2016||

StrategyBlocks supports the following browsers: Chrome X Firefox X Safari X Microsoft Edge X and Internet Explorer X We support the current major releases of Google Chrome®, Firefox®, Safari®, Microsoft® Edge™, and Internet Explorer®. Each time a new major version is released, we will undertake to support that version, with previous versions progressively becoming unsupported. [...]

After resetting my password I try to log in and get a messaging saying: “This email cannot be found”

By |2018-11-27T10:50:56+13:00November 27th, 2012||

It may be that the URL you have is for a different server that you don't have access to. We have many servers intended for demos or different regions. For instance, Australian clients may be hosted on https://aus.strategyblocks.com. Please check your emails to find out which server you are on, or contact us and we’ll [...]

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