Strategic Performance Made Visible with StrategyBlocks 6

By |2024-07-26T13:31:39+12:00July 26th, 2024|Strategic Portfolio Management, StrategyBlocks|

Strategic Performance Made Visible with StrategyBlocks 6 We've all been there: a strategic plan gets announced with fanfare, but then gets buried under a mountain of emails and outdated information. Progress updates are hard to find, and decision-making feels stuck in the past. The world moves too fast for static plans and manual reporting. That's [...]

Why KPIs are Critical for Business Strategy

By |2024-02-28T15:46:32+13:00February 27th, 2024|Strategic Portfolio Management, Strategy planning|

Why KPIs are Critical for Business Strategy Quantitative measurement is critical to a strong business strategy. Surprisingly, however, it is often overlooked. While there are any number of reasons why, many companies make the mistake of believing Key Performance Indicators (business metrics) are obvious and therefore don’t need to be clearly articulated as part of [...]

Measuring Success: Evaluating Company Strategy With Performance Metrics

By |2023-09-28T09:43:35+13:00September 28th, 2023|Leadership, Strategic Portfolio Management, Strategy planning|

Measuring Success: Evaluating Company Strategy With Performance Metrics We talk a lot on this blog about how to create a successful strategic plan—after all, companies with clearly defined and documented plans grow 30% faster. But how do you know if your plan is successful? This can often be where strategy falls apart. As a recent [...]

Should Do or Need to Do? How to Spot the Difference in Your Business Strategy

By |2022-11-04T13:56:58+13:00February 26th, 2021|Leadership, Strategic Portfolio Management, Strategy planning|

Should Do or Need to Do? How to Spot the Difference in Your Business Strategy When trying to make decisions for your business it’s easy to get caught up on what you should do to succeed, versus what you need to do to succeed. If you’re having trouble spotting the difference, let’s be clear: the [...]

Strategic Portfolio Management: The 4 Key Categories of Portfolios

By |2022-11-07T09:19:45+13:00January 27th, 2021|Strategic Portfolio Management, StrategyBlocks|

Strategic Portfolio Management: The 4 Key Categories of Portfolios The StrategyBlocks team are giving a lot of thought to the process of categorizing strategic thinking and activity. Through discussions with customers, there seems to be a consistent challenge: “what work management programs (projects, portfolios, initiatives) should we really be focusing on and investing in … what [...]

An Integrated Framework for Strategic Execution

By |2022-11-01T15:29:53+13:00August 28th, 2020|Strategic Portfolio Management, Strategy planning, StrategyBlocks|

An Integrated Framework for Strategic Execution I do enjoy a great diagram, especially a visual framework or a methodology. I have seen many well constructed diagrammatic frameworks covering various aspects of business strategy including planning, execution, delivery, values, outcomes etc…. But they can be a bit dull and, on occasion, overly academic! I am always [...]

Strategic Vision Holds the Key to Not Just Survive, But Thrive, in a Post-COVID World

By |2022-11-07T11:00:43+13:00May 28th, 2020|Strategic Portfolio Management, Strategy planning, Transformational Strategic Execution|

Strategic Vision Holds the Key to Not Just Survive, But Thrive, in a Post-COVID World John F. Kennedy once said, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." The current global pandemic has brought this concept to life in new ways, as every company is scrambling to recalibrate and learn how to effectively run their [...]

Accelerate Strategic Portfolio Management with Metrics Zone Cloud Connect for Microsoft Project

By |2022-11-01T15:22:06+13:00April 28th, 2020|Strategic Portfolio Management, StrategyBlocks|

Accelerate Strategic Portfolio Management with Metrics Zone Cloud Connect for Microsoft Project We recently shared ways that you can elevate your strategy planning using Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM). Simply stated, SPM is the difference between having a vision and having a plan to execute on that vision. SPM can be the defining factor for a [...]

Elevating Strategy Planning through Strategic Portfolio Management

By |2022-11-02T11:56:05+13:00February 26th, 2020|Strategic Portfolio Management, StrategyBlocks|

Elevating Strategy Planning through Strategic Portfolio Management Here at StrategyBlocks we talk a lot about creating a strategic plan for your business and making it actionable. For many companies, that’s actually the easy part. Organizations with a vision can do this well - they understand their strategy and what is driving it. They know how [...]

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