The Vision of Strategy


Have you ever stopped to consider the human eye – taking in millions of images and then transmitting complex visuals to be processed into data in mere milliseconds? It’s amazing. Our eyes are the gateway to the superhuman computer we call our brain. They allow us to see the world around us and compute images into ideas, decisions, and even strategies to get where we want to go.

Businesses can gain that coveted knowledge of what to do and when to act by embracing the idea that the vision is as much about the journey, and the strategy of how to get there, as it is about achieving the end goal. A company must develop a clear vision statement, backed by visual strategic plans, in order to communicate a holistic strategy and achieve operational business success.

Irish writer, Jonathan Swift once said “vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others,” and it is certainly true. CEOs and C-suite executives have a unique, individualized perspective on what their companies can achieve that might not be visible to the outside world. Because of this unique ability to see their company, they are best positioned to draft a clear, concise vision statement to put everyone on the same organized path. A well-thought out vision statement can then act as a motivational and operational rallying point to get things done.

A clear vision statement, however, should never be left to stand alone. While it serves as a foundation upon which to build, there should be tools in place to help execute a company’s strategic vision. And, these strategic tools should be highly visual when a reported 65 percent of people are visual learners.

As humans, we process information faster when represented both visually and factually through written data. Strategic plans should be well laid out through visual strategic maps showing all levels of an organization, and allow for delegation of tasks, interdepartmental communication, KPI reporting, and even provide health and risk assessment so the whole organization can access and understand their strategy at a glance. It’s true, written data is necessary to clarify and backup visual data, but when an estimated 84 percent of communications will be visual by 2018, and the average person gets distracted in eight seconds, providing a visual representation of your strategy can not be overstressed.

So then how does a business provide this magical balance between vision statements, visual strategy, and visual company collaborative tools? The answer is StrategyBlocks.

StrategyBlocks is designed to be the most comprehensive 360 holistic approach to strategic planning on the market. Knowing the visual nature of people, StrategyBlocks is visually dynamic and intuitive to what companies need. Through a series of “cascading blocks,” companies can see and track strategic goals from the top down to bottom up. With an eye on empowering employees at every level, task delegation is made easy, all while linking subjective data such as workplace performance with more structured data such as KPIs. The design of StrategyBlocks platform is also agile enough to allow for planning down to the most minute detail, or even permit a change in direction when new tasks or strategic roads are needed. Truly adaptable and collaborative as a SaaS platform or accessible on the cloud, progress can be tracked through an entire organization so risk and the strategic health of an organization can be seen and assessed. StrategyBlocks is committed to helping organizations everywhere see their strategic future and walk the path to organizational success.

If you would like to learn more about our vision of strategy, please contact us today.